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Founder and author of this web site.
Author of the following articles hosted on this site:
rationalism (n.)
- confidence in reason and natural (as opposed to supernatural) knowledge
- rejection of mysticism, revelation and fideism (i.e. religious faith)
Relevant Links:
Secular Freethought Centre --
Promoting the scientific method and rationality in all aspects of society,
including agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, transhumanism, and secular humanism[en]
Rationalist International[en]
A British group for "Humanist Atheist Scientific Secularist Ethical Rationalist Sceptics"[en]
Secular site for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists and humanists of mainly Bengali and South Asian descent[en]
The Truth is Wrong --
a place to criticize various aspects of religion and promote the values of atheism, humanism, skepticism, free and rational thinking.[en] --
a central repository for resources relating to debate and discussion on a wide variety of issues surrounding the critical thinking movement, including Religion, Atheism, Science, Debate Techniques,...[en]
God is Imaginary --
It is easy to prove that God is imaginary[en]
Why won't God heal amputees[en]
The Reason Project --
devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society[en]
Rational Atheist --
Rational news and knowledge for the everyday atheist[en]
Rational Response Squad --
A place for activist atheists to unite[es]
Boletín Racionalista Internacional --
Asociación Racional Escéptica de Venezuela --
Venezuelan rationalist and sceptical association[it]
Association Fabula[fr]
Athéisme international --
A French atheist association[fr]
Union rationaliste
Résister à l'endoctrinement religieux --
Resist religious indoctrination, through anticlericalism, secularism, rationalism and atheism Reason, Tolerance, and Christianity
The Ingersoll Debates (Freethought Library)
INGERSOLL, Robert Green
Keywords: Catholicism Christianity
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
religion (n.)
- system of faith & worship
- human recognition of superhuman controlling power & esp. of a personal god entitled to obedience, effect of this on conduct etc.
- monastic state
The definition of this word suffers from the same vagueness as does religious discourse in general, but it is generally understood to imply two major components: belief in some supernatural or paranormal phenomena (such as a god or gods) which are alleged to transcend or lie beyond the natural, real, material world in which we live, and a social or tribal aspect involving the community of the faithful who share particular beliefs. Although in modern times we see the emergence of the phenomenon of personal religious belief, the social aspect nevertheless remains important, because religious faith is often a matter of loyalty as much as it is of belief.
When used on this site, unless otherwise indicated, the word "religion" should generally be understood to mean supernatural religion, i.e. involving belief in supernatural phenomena.
Note that this usage is not universal. For example, Albert Einstein sometimes described himself as "religious", yet he totally rejected belief in the paranormal and the supernatural; in particular he did not admit the concept of a personal god, thus rejecting theism.
Relevant Books:
Atheism -- JOSHI, S. T.
Atheist Universe -- MILLS, David
Breaking The Spell -- DENNETT, Daniel Clement
Can We Be Good Without God -- BUCKMAN, Robert
Darwin's Dangerous Idea -- DENNETT, Daniel Clement
Doubt, a History -- HECHT, Jennifer Michael
The End Of Faith -- HARRIS, Sam
The Ethics of Belief -- BURGER, A. J. (editor)
50 Reasons People Give For Believing In A God -- HARRISON, Guy P.
Fighting Words -- AVALOS, Hector
The God Delusion -- DAWKINS, Richard
God is Not Great -- HITCHENS, Christopher
GOD: The Failed Hypothesis -- STENGER, Victor J.
The Happy Heretic -- HAYES, Judith
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom -- WHITE, Andrew D.
How We Believe -- SHERMER, Michael
An Illusion of Harmony -- EDIS, Taner
In God We Trust, But Which One? -- HAYES, Judith
The Influence of Natural Religion on the Temporal Happiness of Mankind -- BENTHAM, Jeremy
Irreligion -- PAULOS, John Allen
H.L. Mencken on Religion -- MENCKEN, Henry Louis -- JOSHI, S. T. (Editor)
The Moral Landscape -- HARRIS, Sam
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind -- JAYNES, Julian
The Portable Atheist -- HITCHENS, Christopher
Religion Explained -- BOYER, Pascal
Science and Ethics -- KURTZ, Paul (editor)
Science Versus Religion -- CLEMENTS, Tad S.
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast -- WOLPERT, Lewis
Superstition and Other Essays -- INGERSOLL, Robert Green
The Transcendental Temptation -- KURTZ, Paul
The Vanquished Gods -- SCHLAGEL, Robert H.
Relevant Articles:
Quotations: Ambrose Gwinett BIERCE
Quotations: Stephen W. HAWKING
Quotations: Henry Louis MENCKEN
Has the Templeton Prize Compromised Charles Taylor?
Hate Propaganda and Canadian Legislation
Religion, Morality and Charlatanism
The Poverty of Accommodationism
Yes, Atheophobia Does Indeed Exist
Quotations: Donatien-Alphonse-François de SADE
Quotations: Carl SAGAN and Ann DRUYAN
Relevant Links:
History of Religion --
Animated map giving a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism[en]
English PEN --
To promote literature and defend the freedom to write[en]
Theocracy Watch --
The Rise of the Religious Right in the American Republican Party[en]
Atheism: Proving The Negative --
by Matt McCormick[en]
I Am An Atheist --
Discussions of religion and ethics from an atheist perspective[fr] --
"Christianity opposes the intellectual and scientific evolution of humanity through the negation of expérience, by making
perfection the starting point rather than the goal. It thus prevents people from maturing by forcing them to remain as children."[fr]
Jipépak --
Photographer and plastic artist whose art is based on criticism of religious prejudices[fr]
Trilingual site (English, French, German)[fr]
Pour ne pas se laisser piéger par les sectes --
French anti-sect site[en]
Kiss Hanks Ass --
An evangelist comes to sell me on the religion of Hank Religion Explained
BOYER, Pascal
Keywords: evolution history religion
Perseus Books
Religious Roots of the Taboo on Homosexuality
Keywords: Christianity homosexuality
Lauritsen explains how "the taboo against homosexuality is a transitory historical phenomenon, rooted in superstition from the past." Homosexuals were persecuted over the centuries "because of arbitrary theological conceptions of morality peculiar to Judeo-Christianity." This pamphlet is a much expanded version of a presentation made in New York City in 1974 to the Scholarship Committee of the Gay Academic Union.
See also: