The Repertory Links
Atheist Centre, Vijayawada, India --
Founded in 1940 by Gora
Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign
Freethought Association of Canada
Humanist Association of Ottawa
Secular Freethought Centre --
Promoting the scientific method and rationality in all aspects of society,
including agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, transhumanism, and secular humanism
International Association of Free Thought (IAFT) --
founded in Oslo, Norway, 10 August 2011
International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Free Thinkers
Rationalist International
Canadian Secular Alliance

Freedom From Religion Foundation
Atheist Flix --
a Film and TV studio run by atheists
Christopher Hitchens, an online directory
A British group for "Humanist Atheist Scientific Secularist Ethical Rationalist Sceptics"
The Atheists Guide To Religion --
to help atheists and agnostics understand (if not appreciate) religion
The Secular Web
The Assertive Atheist --
Stabbing Religion In The Neck With A Screwdriver Since 2000
Ethical Atheist
God Off Our Money --
Site qui prône la suppression de toute mention religieuse sur la monnaie américaine
Americans United For Separation of Church and State
Atheist Parents
Religion is Bullshit --
articles and opinions on the absurdity and danger of religious beliefs
The Pagan Station --
music for your garden variety infidel
Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia --
To promote the Constitutional principle of separation of church and state and to educate the public on matters related to a nontheist lifestance
[en] --
the freethinker's book discussion community
National Secular Society --
Great Britain, "for the rights of atheists, agnostics and all other fight religious prejudice and privilege, including the disestablishment of the Church of England"
The Good Atheist
Strong Atheism --
Strong Atheism is the proposition that we should not suspend judgment about the non-existence of a god or gods. More extensively, it is a positive position against theistic values, semantics and anti-materialism, a rational inquiry in the nature of religious thought, a new way of thinking about religious and spiritual issues.
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Positive Atheism
The Godless Website
Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists (GALAH) --
Washington, DC, USA
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA) --
United Kingdom
British Humanist Association
Atheist site of Steven Carr
Mining Co. guide to Agnosticism/Atheism
International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)
International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organisation (IHEYO) --
Youth section of the IHEU
J'raxis·com --
The God Simulator
Wasteland of Wonders: Atheism and Atheist Dept.
Bane of Monotheism --
"about religions that have a single all-powerful god such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and...relevant to people who believe in a God (theists), whether or not they believe in a particular religion"
destroying gods through education and entertainment!
The Infidel Guy
The Atheist Network
Secular site for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists and humanists of mainly Bengali and South Asian descent
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible --
"A self defense manual against biblical fundamentalism"
The Skeptic's Annotated Quran
Betty Bowers --
"A woman known throughout Christendom for her joie d'après vivre"
Adult Christianity --
defending the rights of the un-bornagain
The Closet Atheist
Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Chri$tianity, Bogus Beyond Belief
The Fable of Christ --
"Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"
Massimo's Skeptic & Humanist Web --
works of Dr. Massimo Pigliucci
The Celebrity Atheist List --
With some agnostics and other non-theists. An offbeat collection of notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief in deities.
Christian Myth --
A somewhat eccentric exploration of Christian mythology
Atheism Central for Secondary Schools --
Help and general support for atheist students attending religious studies courses in secondary schools in the United Kingdom
Atheists of Silicon Valley --
"Philosophy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat.
Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there.
Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there and shouting 'I found it!'"
[en] --
To untie the religious knots of the mind...
Atheist Alliance International --
an organization of independent religion-free groups and individuals in the United States and around the world
Secular Coalition for America --
Refreshingly bold freethought activism
"Echoes the voice of Muslim dissidents that strive for freedom of faith and freedom from Faith in Islamic countries....Fight Islamic militancy, militarily and its ideology, ideologically. These are the two fronts of this war."
Teaching About Religion --
"A freethinker is one who refuses to submit his reason to the control of authority in matters of religious belief"
The Brights, an International Internet Constituency --
A Bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview, whose worldview is free of supernatural and
mystical elements. The ethics and actions of a Bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.
Atheist Radio
[en] --
encouraging ex-christians
[en] --
A collection of deconversion stories and links, from people who used to be Christian but now are not.
Secular Student Alliance --
Mobilizing Students For a New Enlightenment
CHURCHlite --
A Church without God, Everything you love about Church with half the guilt, and 0 grams of metaphysics per service.
Combating Kristianity
H.E.R.B. -- Had Enough Religious Bullshit!! --
A Collection of Articles, Quotations, and Cartoons For Those Of Us Who Prefer Not To Live In A Theocracy
Worker-communist Party of Iran --
denounces islamism and islamic fundamentalism
The Galilean: A Human Rights Activist --
an alternate look at Jesus of Galilee (eBook, by Clinton S. Clark, available for free download)
The God Awful Truth --
examining the true origins of Christian theology and the history of Christianity
The War On Faith --
Outspoken criticism of religious fundamentalists and their insanity
Atheists Online --
Sells T-shirts with atheist slogans
The God Who Wasn't There --
Site of the documentary film about the non-historicity of Jesus
[en] --
Website of former minister, Joe Holman. "Why be born again when you can just grow up?"
The Angry Atheist
The Official God FAQ --
Short, yet so very complete!
Gay Atheists --
Forums for gay atheists
Irish Atheists --
A community where like minded people can share the experience of being non-religious in Ireland
Nonbeliever Antidiscrimination Project
DiaHumanism Institute for Studies in Freethought (DISF)
University of Victoria Carpe Diem Club --
A secular humanist association at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada
History of Religion --
Animated map giving a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism
Freethought Mecca
DeToX --
The religious recovery webzine. Because religion is ridiculous.
Nigerian Atheists --
dedicated to the growth and promotion of Atheism, free-thought and skepticism among Nigerians
Atheists United --
Supporting atheism and the worldview of reason in the Los Angeles area
Freethinkers and Atheists of Virginia (FAVA)
4 Atheists
"A place for atheists to support each other"
The Truth is Wrong --
a place to criticize various aspects of religion and promote the values of atheism, humanism, skepticism, free and rational thinking.
Global --
The Humanist Globe: science, reason, compassion, information for the open minded, promoting critical thinking
Planet Atheism --
blogs by non-believers and freethinkers
Atheist Empire
Atheistic Forum
Natural Atheism, David ELLER
Humanist and Secular Muslims

The OUT Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism --
It is time that atheists came OUT of the closet!
The Official Richard Dawkins Website
Godless Comedy --
Pat Condell's Godless Comedy
: Agnosticism/Atheism
The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist
The End of Hereditary Religion --
"A resource for people determined to stop the hereditary nature of religion
so innocent children can grow up free of superstition and dogma."
Concordat Watch --
Concordats between the Vatican and many governments
American Atheists
, Humanist Internet Project
The Jesus Puzzle, Earl DOHERTY --
Was there no historical Jesus?
English PEN --
To promote literature and defend the freedom to write
No beliefs
Council for Secular Humanism (CSH)
Center for Inquiry
Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses --
How to leave Jehovah's Witnesses
Greta Christina's Blog --
Sex, atheism, politics, dreams, and whatever...
Better Than Faith
The Heathen's Guide
The Freethinker --
The voice of atheism since 1881
Scott Klarr
Pharyngula --
Blog of biologist P.Z. Myers
No More Atheophobia --
Un appeal for everyone, regardless of their belief or unbelief, to reject atheophobia just as they would reject any other form of intolerance
Invisible Pink Unicorn
Mississauga Freethought Association
Atheist Revolution --
Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism in America.
New Humanist --
British magazine for free thinkers
New Humanist: God Trumps --
Struggling to choose the top religion? Try our metaphysical card game!
[en] --
a central repository for resources relating to debate and discussion on a wide variety of issues surrounding the critical thinking movement, including Religion, Atheism, Science, Debate Techniques,...
God is Imaginary --
It is easy to prove that God is imaginary
Why won't God heal amputees
Atheist Ethicist --
A view of right and wrong, good and evil, in a universe without gods
Victor J. Stenger --
professor of Philosophy, Physics and Astronomy
Metro State Atheists
Daylight Atheism
Minnesota Atheists
BBC: Atheism --
Atheism section on the web site of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Investigating Atheism --
A project of the University of Cambridge
National Center for Science Education (NCSE) --
An American educational organization dedicated to keeping evolution in public school science
Religion Clause --
First Amendment issues in the USA
Institute for Humanist Studies
One School System Network --
One School System Network, Against public funding of Catholic schools in Ontario, Canada
Talk Reason
The Christopher Hitchens Web
Theocracy Watch --
The Rise of the Religious Right in the American Republican Party
Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam --
to educate the world about the dangers of Radical Islam in order to spur a united front against Radical Islamists
European Humanist Federation --
a coalition of humanist and secularist organizations across Europe, based in Brussels
The Reason Project --
devoted to spreading scientific knowledge and secular values in society
[en] --
to spread the vicious truth about the Bible
Rational Atheist --
Rational news and knowledge for the everyday atheist
Atheism 101 --
Atheist: A person who believes in one less god than you do.
Atheist Community of Austin --
Austin, Texas, USA
Atheist Nexus --
a community of nontheists
Epiphenom --
At the intersection of science, atheism and humanism
Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA --
Atheists who will take care of your pets after the rapture... for a fee!
Atheist Discussion --
An online community for atheists to chat and discuss with other atheists and non-believers
Atheist Ireland --
a platform for people who wish to work together to build a rational, ethical and secular society free from superstition and supernaturalism
[en] --
Help stop the Irish blasphemy law
Humanist Society of Scotland
Common Sense Atheism
Atheists of the New River Valley
Atheist Foundation of Australia
National Secular Service Day --
First SSD: Sunday, October 18, 2009
Atheists Without Borders --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010
Blasphemy Is Not A Crime
Atheism UK
Atheist News
Bust Benedict --
For decades, the Catholic Church has betrayed the trust of parents and children everywhere.
The corruption reaches all the way to Pope Benedict's wilful obstruction of justice.
It is time for Benedict to face prosecution for his crimes.
His Holiness The Pope's Christmas Message --
(video, about two minutes)
Unreasonable Faith --
A blog about religion, science, and skepticism, started by Daniel Florien in 2008.
Atheism: Proving The Negative --
by Matt McCormick
Atheist Charities
The Thinking Atheist
Rational Response Squad --
A place for activist atheists to unite
Celebrity Atheists --
an offbeat collection of notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief in deities
How good is that? Free thinking -- Secular Humanism
Lack of belief in gods --
A ten-minute video by QualiaSoup
I Am An Atheist --
Discussions of religion and ethics from an atheist perspective
Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society --
a trailblazer of critical thinking, free thought and scientific inquiry in the Philippines
Origin of Religions --
to explain the origin, evolution and diversity of religion
LOL god --
Putting the fun back into religion.
Secular Left --
to support strict government secularism in the United States and to expose the lies, smears, myths, and name calling used against those who are secular and/or freethinkers
FAQ for r/atheism
Disproof Atheism --
"Disproof atheism is disbelief in the existence of God based on a comprehensive critique of proofs of Gods existence and a growing web of empirical and conceptual disproofs of Gods existence."
La Débaptisation ou l'Apostasie --
Québec baptism removal site
Campagne de Débaptisation --
French baptism removal information
Easy Steps To Excommunication --
"We concentrate on the Roman Catholic Church because it is one of the worst
for inflating its numbers by counting everyone who was ever baptised"
Belgian site, independent, apolitical and areligious, dealing with apostasy, i.e. abandoning a doctrine or religion (debaptism)
Asociación Internacional de Libre Pensamiento (AILP) --
International Association of Free Thought (IAFT), founded in Oslo, Norway, 10 August 2011
Asociación Civil de Ateos en Argentina --
Secular Association of Argentine Atheists
[ar] --
The Secular Arabic Web
Defender la laicidad en España y exigir la plena aconfesionalidad del Estado
Boletín Racionalista Internacional --
I.L.E.C - El laicismo en Chile. Istituto Laico de Estudios Contemporaneos --
Europa Laica
Asociación Racional Escéptica de Venezuela --
Venezuelan rationalist and sceptical association
Federación Internacional de Ateos (FIDA) --
International Federation of Atheists, Spain
Unión de Ateos y Librepensadores (UAL) --
Union of Atheists and Freethinkers, Spain
Bus Ateo --
Site of the Spanish and Catalonian atheist bus campaign
Ateísmo Desde México (ADM) --
a virtual community of Mexican atheists
Ateos de Guatemala --
Atheists of Guatemala
Ateus de Catalunya
República e Laicidade --
Associação cívica por uma república secular e laica, por uma sociedade livre, aberta, inclusiva e justa
Sociedade da Terra Redonda
Ateus do Brasil
Diário ateísta
Movimento anticlericale italiano (MAI), Lega italiana abrogazione concordato (LIAC) --
Italian Anticlerical Movement

Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti (UAAR) --
Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics
La Favola di Cristo --
The Fable of Christ, "Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"
Axteismo, Movimento Internazionale Libero Pensiero --
International Movement for Free Thought
Vrijdenkersvereniging "De Vrije Gedachte"
UVV, Belgie --
Belgian union of freethought associations
(European Union North American Communicators Secular Journal)
IBKA : Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten e.V. --
International League of Non-Religious and Atheists
- IBKA English --
English home page of the IBKA site
- Kunstpreis Blasphemie "Der freche Mario" --
Blasphemy Competition "Cheeky Mario": Seeking works of art which lampoon, in an intelligent and humorous manner, supernatural ideas and concepts, especially religion
Human-Etisk Forbund --
Norwegian humanist association
Ateistisk Selskab
Atheist Society of Iceland
Ateism Romïzoenia
Freethinkers of Tampere --
Finnish freethinkers
El Salón d'Holbach. blog ateísta
Ateos en Perú
Positief Atheïsme
Religionsfrei im Revier
Apostasía Colectiva -- No en mi nombre --
Collective Apostasy -- No in my name!
Institut Charles Darwin International --
International Charles Darwin Institute, based in France
Darwin Day Celebration --
Darwin Day is February 12th, the date of birth of Charles Darwin in the year 1809
Évolution ou création ? --
Pierre Cloutier
Denouncing the dishonesty of creationists
Planète Terre --
Pierre-André Bourque
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Québec
University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) --
University of California at Berkeley
No Answers in Genesis! --
"Creationism is not the alternative to Evolution - ignorance is."
The Talk.Origins Archive --
Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy
Evolution vs. Creationism --
The Saladin-Gish II Debate (1988)
The Age of the Earth and the Universe --
Hugh Ross and Duane Gish Debate
The World of Richard Dawkins, Evolution, Science and Reason --
Unoffical web site on the research, writings and thought of Richard Dawkins
French site on human evolution from prehistoric times to the present and from Toumai to Homo Sapiens
Sociobiologie --
The biological origins of social behaviour
[fr] --
Provides concise and accurate information for those who wish to critically examine the antievolution movement.
Top 10 Myths About Evolution (and how we know it really happened) --
Free PDF download
Getting the Monkey off Darwins Back: Four Common Myths About Evolution --
Charles Sullivan and Cameron Mcpherson Smith, Volume 29.3, May/June 2005
The Top Ten Myths About Evolution --
book by Cameron McPherson Smith and Charles Sullivan
Libre pensée --
Libre sans dieu --
Discussion of secularism, atheism, education and the psychology of religions
Association Internationale de Libre Pensée (AILP) --
International Association of Free Thought (IAFT), founded in Oslo, Norway, 10 August 2011
International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Free Thinkers
Cercle laïque du Québec --
To defend and promote secularism in Quebec
Le danaiste --
blog discussing the archeology of monotheisms and atheist morality
Bibliothèque de l'athéisme --
Texts, in French, of authors who either deny or are sceptical about the existence of any god
La Libre Pensée Haïtienne
La vertu du mécréant --
An atheist blog
Athéisme --
Atheism page of the site of Francis Lagacé
Page athée de "Pantagruelle"
PATER NOSTER - Pour un athéisme cohérent
Athéisme, Matérialisme, Sagesse
Athéismes --
a French-language site for discussions about atheism, secularism and scepticism
Brights Québec --
Quebec chapter of the international "Brights" movement
Brights de France --
French chapter of the international "Brights" movement
Philo : athéisme, matérialisme, bonheur
Union des Athées
Mouvement "Europe et laïcité"
Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée (FNLP) --
La Libre Pensée de Moselle
Association of Freethinkers of France
Dieu n'existe pas --
God does not exist!
Dieu : Erreur 404, Dieu n'existe pas --
Error 404: Not Found [Cannot display the web page of God]
Comité 1905-2005 Nantes --
An association of secularists of the Loire-Atlantique region of France to commemorate the centennial of the 1905 law instituting separation of church and state.
Contre la censure, le cléricalisme et la "pensée unique" --
site of Bruno Courcelle
Le mouvement laïque : Centre d'Action Laïque --
Athéisme --
site of Jocelyn Bézecourt
Laïcité, Ligue de l'Enseignement --
Page noire du christianisme --
Association Le Chevalier de la Barre --
Association promoting secularism, freedom of conscience and freedom of expression
Cercle des Résistants à l'Oppression des Agenouillistes (CROA)
Jésus : info ou intox ? --
Did Jesus really exist?
Les Athées d'Ille et Vilaine --
"An atheist is a person who believes that humans created "god" in their image, and not the other way around."
Dieu est-il un gaucher qui joue aux dés ? --
site of Pierre Yves Morvan
Comité Laïcité République
Union des Familles Laïques (UFAL) --
Association des familles d'actions laïques (AFAL) de Lille et environs --
Association of Families for Secular Action, Lille, France
Hérétique anarchiste
d'Ailleurs ou d'Ici Mais Ensemble --
including a call for signatures of a petition in support of the Mouvement Indépendant Laïque (Independent Secular Movement)
La Fable de Christ --
"Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"
Athéisme : L'Homme Majuscule
Le gros mensonge de la Bible --
The Bible: The Big Lie "Christianity is losing speed, but, even today, it is still a taboo to denounce the big lie on which that entire religion is founded."
[fr] --
"Christianity opposes the intellectual and scientific evolution of humanity through the negation of expérience, by making
perfection the starting point rather than the goal. It thus prevents people from maturing by forcing them to remain as children."
CNAFAL (Conseil National des Associations Familiales Laïques)
CDAFAL (Conseil départemental des Associations Familiales Laïques)
Association Fabula
[fr] --
Secular thought and information
Ligue des droits et libertés (LDL)
Pourquoi je ne suis pas chrétien --
"Why I Am Not a Christian", Site of Igor Selzner, freethinker
Faire le jour --
In defence of freedom, fundamental rights and secularism
Collectif Tous Contre le Voile
Petite histoire du laïcisme et de l'anticléricalisme au Québec
Libre sans dieu --
A site for ex-Christians, atheists, agnostics and philosophers of all kinds
AthéTürk --
A forum for Franco-Turkish atheists and secularists
Athéisme international --
A French atheist association
La Bible catholique --
A collection of biblical quotations, in French, showing that you can justify anything
(and its opposite!) with the bible.
Mouvement des Indépendants Laïques --
A French organization of arabo-muslim secularists,
whose aim is to combat effectively the rising tide of fundamentalism and religious obscurantism
Jipépak --
Photographer and plastic artist whose art is based on criticism of religious prejudices
Le monde pluriel --
fighting against religious intolerance which targets women, scientists and intellectuals, non-believers, homosexuals and all those who suffer because of religions
Vigilance Laïque --
Promoting candidates who support church/state separation in the 2007 presidential elections in France
Liberté - Egalité - Laïcité --
For full and complete secularism
Association suisse pour la laïcité --
Swiss Association for Secularism
Secularism in southern France
Association des athées des Pyrénées-orientales --
association for atheists of the eastern Pyrenees region of France
Dieu et l'impossible création, Rodolphe LEROYER
Canal Académie : Un siècle de laïcité en France --
DVD-rom of the centenary of the 1905 French law instituting separation between Church and State
Association humaniste du Québec
Union rationaliste
Trilingual site (English, French, German)
Sisyphe --
Quebecois feminist site, pro-secularist
Amicale Athée
Mouvement laïque québécois
Athées sans frontières --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010
Le blasphème n'est pas un crime
Les trois vies du Chevalier --
Film web site
Coalition Laïcité Québec
Sans Dieu C'est Mieux
Pourquoi je suis athée --
Site of Kevin Steiner
Résister à l'endoctrinement religieux --
Resist religious indoctrination, through anticlericalism, secularism, rationalism and atheism
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster --
Intelligent Design, you say? Did you know that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster?
An Open Letter to Dr. Laura --
That famous open letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, notorious homophobe
Chère docteur Laura... --
A French translation of the open letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger
... Donc Dieu existe --
329 arguments for the existence of God (in French)
If God Created the World on a Unix Box
Demetri Martin: Creedocide --
Harness the Power... of Religion
Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene
Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, all these are an abomination before the Lord,
just as gays are an abomination. Why stop at protesting gay marriage?
Bring all of God's law unto the heathens and the sodomites.
Sharia Petition --
Sign this global petition against Sharia Law!
Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
Apostates of Islam --
Site by and for ex-Muslims
No To Political Islam/NON à l'Islam Politique --
"oppose Political Islam, its agenda of hatred and oppression, and its imposition of the most barbaric interpretation of Sharia law."
Contre l'islam
Mouvement des Maghrébins Laïques de France --
a voice for secularist north Africans in France, to dissociate themselves from the fundamentalist and islamist minority
A catalog of the writings, beliefs, motives, and methods of the Islamist movement
, Portail des apostats de l'islam orthodoxe --
A portal for North African ex-muslims. The title "islam la" means "submission no !".
Caricatures de Mahomet : réactions très agressives dans le monde musulman --
all 12 cartoons, on
Caricatures de Mahomet : une affaire révélatrice --
a summary and commentary on the controversy, on
Petition Mondiale, pour la liberté absolue de conscience --
Petition for liberty of conscience and liberty of the press.
Initiated by agnostics and atheists from the Muslim world, but open to all. On
Democracy in a Cartoon, Ibn Warraq --
Best-selling author and Muslim dissident Ibn Warraq argues that freedom
of expression is our western heritage and we must defend it against
attacks from totalitarian societies. If the west does not stand in
solidarity with the Danish, he argues, then the Islamization of Europe
will have begun in earnest. Formerly on
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
The 10:23 Challenge 2011 --
International protesters from more than 10 countries and more than 23 cities will gather over the
weekend of February 5-6, 2011, to make the simple statement: Homeopathy - There's Nothing In It.
Les Sceptiques du Québec --
Quebec Sceptics: do not promote secularism.
Le Cercle Zététique --
Skeptics Canada and Ontario Skeptics Society for Critical Inquiry (OSSCI) --
British Columbia Skeptics --
British Columbia Society for Skeptical Enquiry
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) --
USA. Formerly know as: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
Skeptic magazine --
James Randi Educational Foundation --
The Skeptic's Dictionary --
Robert T. Carroll, USA
The Skeptic --
the UKs only regular magazine to take a skeptical look at pseudoscience and claims of the paranormal
SkepticBlog --
a collaboration among some of the most recognized names in promoting science, critical thinking, and skepticism
a group of women (mainly) who write about science, skepticism, and pseudoscience
Stichting Skepsis --
Dutch Foundation of Skeptics
Massimo's Skeptic & Humanist Web --
works of Dr. Massimo Pigliucci
What's the harm --
shows, using examples, the danger of not thinking critically
[en] --
All varieties of charlatanism
Pratique de l'histoire et dévoiements négationnistes --
Discusses the Nazi holocaust and other major historical events, and the dishonesty and racism of those who deny the historicity of such events
Butterflies and Wheels --
Against pseudoscience, epistemic relativism and ideological distortion of truth
Effort Sisyphus --
Fighting the spread of nonsense often feels like a Sisyphean task. However, the joy is in making the information available, not the hope of conversion.
If You Open Your Mind Too Much... --
Tim Minchin
SCIENCE... et pseudo-sciences --
AFIS: French Association for Scientific Information
Geert Wilders on Trial
What is 'defamation of religion'?
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online --
contains Darwin's complete publications
Michel Bellin --
Literary site of Michel Bellin
Le Passage du paganisme au christianisme --
An overview of the history of Christianity's brutal repression of paganism in late antiquity
[en] --
The Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel
Le Cercle Ernest Renan --
Centre for the history of religions, biblical criticism, and research into the origins of Christianity
People For the American Way --
"Monitors and counters the divisive agenda of the Religious Right political movement"
Textes Électroniques Clandestins du dix-huitième siècle --
French clandestine manuscripts of the Enlightenment
Gallica --
National library of France
Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire --
An on-line resource of the works and correspondance of Voltaire
Opus Dei - The Unofficial Homepage --
an independent source of information and a collection of links about the Opus Dei sect
Pour ne pas se laisser piéger par les sectes --
French anti-sect site
Freedom to Read --
Canadian site promoting freedom of expression
Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State --
site of the book by Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, a secular Muslim organization dedicated to the separation of religion and state
S. T. Joshi --
Web site of S. T. Joshi, author of Atheism: A Reader
Ezra Levant
Stop The Stoning --
International Free Women's Foundation, a petition against stoning
Association des victimes de prêtres et autres religieux --
a public voice for victims of sexual abuse and of abuse of power
Shroud reproduction --
You too can bake your own Shroud of Turin!
Marilyn LaCourt --
author and educator
Superstition as a natural phenomenon --
Blog of Konrad Talmont-Kaminski
International Committee Against Stoning
Kiss Hanks Ass --
An evangelist comes to sell me on the religion of Hank
Was Catholic Hitler "Anti-Christian"? On the Trail of Bogus Quotes --
by Richard C. Carrier
Stop The Hate --
Petition against the Ottawa (Canada) Catholic School Board ban on gay-straight alliance clubs