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abortion (n.)
- miscarriage, termination of pregnancy by expulsion of the ftus before term
- voluntary termination of pregnancy
- failure, arrested development
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Relevant Articles:
agnostic (n. or adj.)
- an individual who holds that nothing is or is likely to be known of a god or of anything but material phenomena
See agnosticism.
Here is a delightfully biting definition of agnostic, found on an internet chat site:
...agnostics are actually lazy atheists
agnosticism (n.)
- the assertion that all claims to ultimate knowledge are uncertain
From its honourable origins in the 19th century (see Thomas Henry HUXLEY), agnosticism has today become almost synonymous with equivocation, even intellectual cowardice.
If interpreted as meaning lack of knowledge, the concept of agnosticism can apply to any domain of knowledge where there is uncertainty. One can be justifiably agnostic with respect to, say, a new scientific theory whose validity has not been fully proven. The concept is also sometimes used to imply neutrality based on lack of interaction; for example, computer programmers may say that a certain software module is "operating system agnostic", meaning that it has no knowledge of which operating system (OS) is running and thus functions independently of the choice of OS.
However, the word is normally used in a religious context, in particular to refer to theism or deism. In this context, agnosticism is the assertion that nothing is or is likely to be known of a god or of anything but material phenomena.
Agnosticism with respect to theism is often expressed by asserting that the existence and non-existence of god are equally probable, i.e. "symmetric agnosticism". This is a serious logical error, an example of the fallacy of the mean. By viewing belief in god(s) and disbelief in god(s) as "extremes", the symmetric agnostic falsely concludes that the best position is half-way between them. To observe that the non-existence of something cannot be proven does not justify the conclusion that that thing has a probability of 50% of existing. I cannot prove that Santa Claus does not exist, neither can anyone prove that the author of these lines is not God and King of the Universe, but that does not imply that these assertions have a 50% chance of being true.
Some who adopt a position of symmetric agnosticism do so as an indirect and self-serving attempt to justify their implicit theism. Swinburne (The Existence of God) takes hundreds of pages to convince himself that the probability of the existence of the Christian God is at least 50%. But the symmetric agnostic is lazy and simply assumes, from the get-go, a 50% probability of some god existing. Swinburne, at least, is honest.
On the other hand, others who call themselves agnostic are in fact atheists who have adopted a very conciliatory and obsequious attitude towards religion and lack the courage to call themselves atheists. See atheophobia.
A consistent and intellectually honest approach to agnosticism—i.e. scepticism with regard to theism, without a dogmatic attachment to symmetry—leads inevitably to negative atheism. See:
Relevant Book:
Agnosticism and Christianity -- HUXLEY, Thomas Henry
Relevant Articles:
Quotations: Thomas Henry HUXLEY
Agnosticism and Christianity
and other essays
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry
Keywords: agnosticism Christianity
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
These are 19th century writings (Huxley lived from 1825 to 1895) originally published
by the Rationalist Press Association in 1931.
An Atheist with Gandhi
GORA (RAO, G. Ramachandra)
Keywords: atheism history
Vaishnava Center for Enlightenment
Originally published in 1951. For further information, consult
Atheist Centre
"In positive terms atheism means self-confidence and free will. Atheism is not negative in meaning though it is negative in form. ... Atheism bears a positive significance in the practice of life. Belief in god implies subordination of man to the divine will. In Hindu thought man's life is subordinated to Karma or fate. In general, atheism is the manifestation of the feeling of freedom in man. Thus theism and atheism are opposite and they represent the opposite feelings, namely, dependence and independence respectively."
p. 32
"Acceptance of atheism at once pulls down caste and religious barriers between man and man. There is no longer a Hindu, A Muslim or a Christian. All or human beings. Further, the atheistic outlook puts man on his legs. There is neither divine will nor fate to control his actions."
p. 34
"I want ethics to rule and idealism to grow. That can be achieved only when belief in god and fate is done away with and consequently the theistic philosophy of life is changed. In positive terms, I want atheism, so that man shall cease to depend on god and stand firmly on his own legs. In such a man a healthy social outlook will grow, because atheism finds no justification for the economic and social inequalities between man and man."
p. 44-45
"... an attempt also might be made to discourage the use of labels of caste and creed which raise imaginary barriers between man and man. Not only should the practice of untouchability go, but the Harijan (Gandhi's term for so-called 'untouchables') should not be allowed to continue a Harijan; he should be united with the genereal stream of humanity. Similarly, the Hindu and Muslim differences might be solved by discarding the labels. Such an attempt will no longer keep the form of communal harmony, but it would lead to the growth of one humanity. ... The growth of one humanity requires the rejection of communal labels."
p. 53-54
animism (n.)
- belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects, beings and phenomena
apocalypse (n.)
- prophetic disclosure or revelation, in particular a religious text purporting to make revelations of the ultimate divine purpose such as the bibilical book of Revelations
- universal or widespread destruction or disaster; end of the world or of time
Christianity is, or at least was originally, an apocalyptic religion: i.e. the world was, according to the alleged teachings of Jesus, supposed to end within the lifetime of some of his contemporaries.
apostasy (n.)
- abandonment of one's religious beliefs
- abandonment of a political party or a cause
This word is generally used in a religious context, indicating leaving the religion in which one was raised or to which one previously converted.
See Apostasy, Baptism Removal and Excommunication.
In Islam, apostasy is generally considered a sin and often a crime, even a capital crime. An apostate may also be punished by annulation of marriage, removal of children and loss of succession rights.
News Report
Atheists choose 'de-baptism' to renounce childhood faith — G. Jeffrey MacDonald, Religion News Service, 2009-07-22
Relevant Links:
La Débaptisation ou l'Apostasie --
Québec baptism removal site[fr]
Campagne de Débaptisation --
French baptism removal information[en]
Easy Steps To Excommunication --
"We concentrate on the Roman Catholic Church because it is one of the worst
for inflating its numbers by counting everyone who was ever baptised"[fr]
Belgian site, independent, apolitical and areligious, dealing with apostasy, i.e. abandoning a doctrine or religion (debaptism)[fr]
Amicale AthéeThe arguments against atheism are generally very weak and usually completely vacuous. But religious believers and atheophobes keep bringing them up. So here some of the frequently recurring arguments are listed, discussed and refuted. See also atheophobia.
Follow this link: Frequently Advanced Arguments Against Atheism
At Home in the Universe
The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity
Keywords: evolution science
Oxford University Press
atheism (n.)
- absence of belief in god(s)
See What is Atheism?
See also the entry Atheism, by Nick C. Sagos, in American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia, on Google Books.
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Relevant Books:
An Atheist with Gandhi -- GORA (RAO, G. Ramachandra)
Atheism -- MARTIN, Michael
Atheism -- JOSHI, S. T.
Atheism, Morality and Meaning -- MARTIN, Michael
Atheist Manifesto -- ONFRAY, Michel
Atheist Universe -- MILLS, David
50 Reasons People Give For Believing In A God -- HARRISON, Guy P.
God is Not Great -- HITCHENS, Christopher
The Happy Heretic -- HAYES, Judith
Irreligion -- PAULOS, John Allen
Letter to a Christian Nation -- HARRIS, Sam
The Life and Times of Gora -- LINDLEY, Mark
Natural Atheism -- ELLER, David
The Portable Atheist -- HITCHENS, Christopher
Testament: Memoir of the Thoughts and Sentiments of Jean Meslier -- MESLIER, Jean, Curé d'Etrépigny
Western Atheism -- THROWER, James
Relevant Articles:
Atheophobia, A Prejudice Thousands of Years Old
Does Secularism Imply Religious Neutrality?
Is Humanism Much More Than Atheism?
Letter to the Editor, Free Inquiry, Vol. 31, No. 5
Yes, Atheophobia Does Indeed Exist
Quotations: Donatien-Alphonse-François de SADE
Quotations: Percy Bysshe SHELLEY
Relevant Links:
Atheist Centre, Vijayawada, India --
Founded in 1940 by Gora[en]
Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign[en]
Freethought Association of Canada[en]
Humanist Association of Ottawa[en]
Secular Freethought Centre --
Promoting the scientific method and rationality in all aspects of society,
including agnosticism, atheism, skepticism, transhumanism, and secular humanism[en]
International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Free Thinkers[en]
Rationalist International[en]
Canadian Secular Alliance[en]
Atheist Flix --
a Film and TV studio run by atheists[en]
Christopher Hitchens, an online directory[en]
A British group for "Humanist Atheist Scientific Secularist Ethical Rationalist Sceptics"[en]
The Atheists Guide To Religion --
to help atheists and agnostics understand (if not appreciate) religion[en]
The Secular Web[en]
The Assertive Atheist --
Stabbing Religion In The Neck With A Screwdriver Since 2000 [en]
Ethical Atheist[en]
Atheist Parents[en]
Religion is Bullshit --
articles and opinions on the absurdity and danger of religious beliefs[en]
The Pagan Station --
music for your garden variety infidel[en]
Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia --
To promote the Constitutional principle of separation of church and state and to educate the public on matters related to a nontheist lifestance[en] --
the freethinker's book discussion community[en]
National Secular Society --
Great Britain, "for the rights of atheists, agnostics and all other fight religious prejudice and privilege, including the disestablishment of the Church of England"[en]
The Good Atheist[en]
Strong Atheism --
Strong Atheism is the proposition that we should not suspend judgment about the non-existence of a god or gods. More extensively, it is a positive position against theistic values, semantics and anti-materialism, a rational inquiry in the nature of religious thought, a new way of thinking about religious and spiritual issues.[en]
Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc[en]
Positive Atheism[en]
The Godless Website[en][en]
Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists (GALAH) --
Washington, DC, USA[en]
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA) --
United Kingdom[en]
British Humanist Association [en]
Atheist site of Steven Carr[en]
Mining Co. guide to Agnosticism/Atheism[en]
International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)[en]
International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organisation (IHEYO) --
Youth section of the IHEU[en]
J'raxis·com --
The God Simulator[en]
Wasteland of Wonders: Atheism and Atheist Dept.[en]
Bane of Monotheism --
"about religions that have a single all-powerful god such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and...relevant to people who believe in a God (theists), whether or not they believe in a particular religion"[en]
destroying gods through education and entertainment![en]
The Infidel Guy[en]
The Atheist Network[en]
Secular site for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists and humanists of mainly Bengali and South Asian descent[en]
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible --
"A self defense manual against biblical fundamentalism"[en]
The Skeptic's Annotated Quran[en]
Betty Bowers --
"A woman known throughout Christendom for her joie d'après vivre"[en]
Adult Christianity --
defending the rights of the un-bornagain[en]
The Closet Atheist[en]
Sam Singleton, Atheist Evangelist[en]
Society for Humanistic Judaism[en]
Chri$tianity, Bogus Beyond Belief[en]
The Fable of Christ --
"Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"[en]
Massimo's Skeptic & Humanist Web --
works of Dr. Massimo Pigliucci[en]
The Celebrity Atheist List --
With some agnostics and other non-theists. An offbeat collection of notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief in deities.[en]
Christian Myth --
A somewhat eccentric exploration of Christian mythology[en]
Atheism Central for Secondary Schools --
Help and general support for atheist students attending religious studies courses in secondary schools in the United Kingdom[en]
Atheists of Silicon Valley --
"Philosophy is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat.
Metaphysics is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there.
Theology is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat that isn't there and shouting 'I found it!'"[en] --
To untie the religious knots of the mind...[en]
Atheist Alliance International --
an organization of independent religion-free groups and individuals in the United States and around the world[en]
Secular Coalition for America --
Refreshingly bold freethought activism[en]
"Echoes the voice of Muslim dissidents that strive for freedom of faith and freedom from Faith in Islamic countries....Fight Islamic militancy, militarily and its ideology, ideologically. These are the two fronts of this war."[en]
Teaching About Religion --
"A freethinker is one who refuses to submit his reason to the control of authority in matters of religious belief"[en]
The Brights, an International Internet Constituency --
A Bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview, whose worldview is free of supernatural and
mystical elements. The ethics and actions of a Bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.[en]
Atheist Radio[en] --
encouraging ex-christians[en] --
A collection of deconversion stories and links, from people who used to be Christian but now are not.[en]
Secular Student Alliance --
Mobilizing Students For a New Enlightenment[en]
CHURCHlite --
A Church without God, Everything you love about Church with half the guilt, and 0 grams of metaphysics per service.[en]
Combating Kristianity[en]
H.E.R.B. -- Had Enough Religious Bullshit!! --
A Collection of Articles, Quotations, and Cartoons For Those Of Us Who Prefer Not To Live In A Theocracy[en]
Worker-communist Party of Iran --
denounces islamism and islamic fundamentalism[en]
The Galilean: A Human Rights Activist --
an alternate look at Jesus of Galilee (eBook, by Clinton S. Clark, available for free download)[en]
The God Awful Truth --
examining the true origins of Christian theology and the history of Christianity[en]
The War On Faith --
Outspoken criticism of religious fundamentalists and their insanity[en]
Atheists Online --
Sells T-shirts with atheist slogans[en]
The God Who Wasn't There --
Site of the documentary film about the non-historicity of Jesus[en] --
Website of former minister, Joe Holman. "Why be born again when you can just grow up?"[en]
The Angry Atheist[en]
The Official God FAQ --
Short, yet so very complete![en]
Gay Atheists --
Forums for gay atheists[en]
Irish Atheists --
A community where like minded people can share the experience of being non-religious in Ireland[en]
Nonbeliever Antidiscrimination Project[en]
DiaHumanism Institute for Studies in Freethought (DISF)[en]
University of Victoria Carpe Diem Club --
A secular humanist association at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada[en]
Freethought Mecca[en]
DeToX --
The religious recovery webzine. Because religion is ridiculous.[en]
Nigerian Atheists --
dedicated to the growth and promotion of Atheism, free-thought and skepticism among Nigerians[en]
Atheists United --
Supporting atheism and the worldview of reason in the Los Angeles area[en]
Freethinkers and Atheists of Virginia (FAVA)[en]
4 Atheists
"A place for atheists to support each other"[en]
The Truth is Wrong --
a place to criticize various aspects of religion and promote the values of atheism, humanism, skepticism, free and rational thinking.[en]
Global --
The Humanist Globe: science, reason, compassion, information for the open minded, promoting critical thinking[en][en]
Planet Atheism --
blogs by non-believers and freethinkers[en]
Atheist Empire[en]
Atheistic Forum[en]
Natural Atheism, David ELLER[en]
Humanist and Secular Muslims[en]
The Official Richard Dawkins Website[en]
Godless Comedy --
Pat Condell's Godless Comedy[en]
: Agnosticism/Atheism[en]
The Bible of the Good and Moral Atheist[en]
The End of Hereditary Religion --
"A resource for people determined to stop the hereditary nature of religion
so innocent children can grow up free of superstition and dogma."[en]
American Atheists[en]
, Humanist Internet Project[en]
The Jesus Puzzle, Earl DOHERTY --
Was there no historical Jesus?
No beliefs
Council for Secular Humanism (CSH)
Center for Inquiry[en]
Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses --
How to leave Jehovah's Witnesses[en]
Greta Christina's Blog --
Sex, atheism, politics, dreams, and whatever...[en]
Better Than Faith[en]
The Heathen's Guide[en]
The Freethinker --
The voice of atheism since 1881[en]
Scott Klarr[en]
Pharyngula --
Blog of biologist P.Z. Myers[en]
No More Atheophobia --
Un appeal for everyone, regardless of their belief or unbelief, to reject atheophobia just as they would reject any other form of intolerance[en]
Invisible Pink Unicorn[en]
Mississauga Freethought Association[en]
Atheist Revolution --
Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism in America.[en]
New Humanist --
British magazine for free thinkers[en] --
a central repository for resources relating to debate and discussion on a wide variety of issues surrounding the critical thinking movement, including Religion, Atheism, Science, Debate Techniques,...[en]
God is Imaginary --
It is easy to prove that God is imaginary[en]
Why won't God heal amputees[en]
Atheist Ethicist --
A view of right and wrong, good and evil, in a universe without gods
Victor J. Stenger --
professor of Philosophy, Physics and Astronomy[en]
Metro State Atheists[en]
Daylight Atheism[en]
Minnesota Atheists[en]
BBC: Atheism --
Atheism section on the web site of the British Broadcasting Corporation[en]
Investigating Atheism --
A project of the University of Cambridge[en]
Institute for Humanist Studies[en]
The Christopher Hitchens Web[en]
European Humanist Federation --
a coalition of humanist and secularist organizations across Europe, based in Brussels[en] --
to spread the vicious truth about the Bible[en]
Rational Atheist --
Rational news and knowledge for the everyday atheist[en]
Atheism 101 --
Atheist: A person who believes in one less god than you do.[en]
Atheist Community of Austin --
Austin, Texas, USA[en]
Atheist Nexus --
a community of nontheists[en]
Epiphenom --
At the intersection of science, atheism and humanism[en]
Eternal Earth-Bound Pets, USA --
Atheists who will take care of your pets after the rapture... for a fee![en]
Atheist Discussion --
An online community for atheists to chat and discuss with other atheists and non-believers[en]
Atheist Ireland --
a platform for people who wish to work together to build a rational, ethical and secular society free from superstition and supernaturalism[en] --
Help stop the Irish blasphemy law[en]
Humanist Society of Scotland[en]
Common Sense Atheism[en]
Atheists of the New River Valley
Atheist Foundation of Australia[en]
Atheists Without Borders --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010[en]
Blasphemy Is Not A Crime[en]
Atheism UK[en]
Atheist News[en]
Unreasonable Faith --
A blog about religion, science, and skepticism, started by Daniel Florien in 2008.[en]
Atheism: Proving The Negative --
by Matt McCormick[en]
Atheist Charities[en]
The Thinking Atheist[en]
Rational Response Squad --
A place for activist atheists to unite[en]
Celebrity Atheists --
an offbeat collection of notable individuals who have been public about their lack of belief in deities[en]
How good is that? Free thinking -- Secular Humanism[en]
Lack of belief in gods --
A ten-minute video by QualiaSoup[en]
I Am An Atheist --
Discussions of religion and ethics from an atheist perspective[en]
Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society --
a trailblazer of critical thinking, free thought and scientific inquiry in the Philippines[en]
LOL god --
Putting the fun back into religion.[en]
Secular Left --
to support strict government secularism in the United States and to expose the lies, smears, myths, and name calling used against those who are secular and/or freethinkers[en]
FAQ for r/atheism[es]
Asociación Civil de Ateos en Argentina --
Secular Association of Argentine Atheists[es]
Boletín Racionalista Internacional --
Asociación Racional Escéptica de Venezuela --
Venezuelan rationalist and sceptical association[es]
Federación Internacional de Ateos (FIDA) --
International Federation of Atheists, Spain[es]
Unión de Ateos y Librepensadores (UAL) --
Union of Atheists and Freethinkers, Spain[es]
Bus Ateo --
Site of the Spanish and Catalonian atheist bus campaign[es]
Ateísmo Desde México (ADM) --
a virtual community of Mexican atheists[es]
Ateos de Guatemala --
Atheists of Guatemala[ca]
Ateus de Catalunya[pt]
Sociedade da Terra Redonda[pt]
Ateus do Brasil[pt]
Diário ateísta[it]
La Favola di Cristo --
The Fable of Christ, "Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"[it]
Axteismo, Movimento Internazionale Libero Pensiero --
International Movement for Free Thought[nl]
Vrijdenkersvereniging "De Vrije Gedachte"[nl]
UVV, Belgie --
Belgian union of freethought associations[de]
(European Union North American Communicators Secular Journal)[de]
IBKA : Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten e.V. --
International League of Non-Religious and Atheists[no]
Human-Etisk Forbund --
Norwegian humanist association[no]
Ateistisk Selskab[is]
Atheist Society of Iceland[ro]
Ateism Romïzoenia[ru]
El Salón d'Holbach. blog ateísta[pl]
Ateos en Perú[nl]
Positief Atheïsme[de]
Religionsfrei im Revier[fr]
Libre pensée --
Libre sans dieu --
Discussion of secularism, atheism, education and the psychology of religions[fr]
International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Free Thinkers[fr]
Le danaiste --
blog discussing the archeology of monotheisms and atheist morality[fr]
Bibliothèque de l'athéisme --
Texts, in French, of authors who either deny or are sceptical about the existence of any god[fr]
La Libre Pensée Haïtienne[fr]
La vertu du mécréant --
An atheist blog[fr]
Athéisme --
Atheism page of the site of Francis Lagacé[fr]
Page athée de "Pantagruelle"[fr]
PATER NOSTER - Pour un athéisme cohérent[fr]
Athéisme, Matérialisme, Sagesse[fr]
Athéismes --
a French-language site for discussions about atheism, secularism and scepticism[fr]
Brights Québec --
Quebec chapter of the international "Brights" movement[fr]
Brights de France --
French chapter of the international "Brights" movement[fr]
Philo : athéisme, matérialisme, bonheur[fr]
Union des Athées[fr]
Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée (FNLP) --
La Libre Pensée de Moselle[fr]
Association of Freethinkers of France[fr]
Dieu n'existe pas --
God does not exist![fr]
Dieu : Erreur 404, Dieu n'existe pas --
Error 404: Not Found [Cannot display the web page of God][fr]
Athéisme --
site of Jocelyn Bézecourt[fr]
Cercle des Résistants à l'Oppression des Agenouillistes (CROA)[fr]
Jésus : info ou intox ? --
Did Jesus really exist?[fr]
Les Athées d'Ille et Vilaine --
"An atheist is a person who believes that humans created "god" in their image, and not the other way around."[fr]
Dieu est-il un gaucher qui joue aux dés ? --
site of Pierre Yves Morvan[fr]
Hérétique anarchiste[fr]
La Fable de Christ --
"Irrefutable demonstration that Jesus never existed"[fr]
Athéisme : L'Homme Majuscule[fr]
Le gros mensonge de la Bible --
The Bible: The Big Lie "Christianity is losing speed, but, even today, it is still a taboo to denounce the big lie on which that entire religion is founded."[fr] --
"Christianity opposes the intellectual and scientific evolution of humanity through the negation of expérience, by making
perfection the starting point rather than the goal. It thus prevents people from maturing by forcing them to remain as children."[fr]
Association Fabula[fr]
Petite histoire du laïcisme et de l'anticléricalisme au Québec[fr]
Libre sans dieu --
A site for ex-Christians, atheists, agnostics and philosophers of all kinds[fr]
AthéTürk --
A forum for Franco-Turkish atheists and secularists[fr]
Athéisme international --
A French atheist association[fr][fr]
La Bible catholique --
A collection of biblical quotations, in French, showing that you can justify anything
(and its opposite!) with the bible.[fr]
Le monde pluriel --
fighting against religious intolerance which targets women, scientists and intellectuals, non-believers, homosexuals and all those who suffer because of religions[fr]
Association des athées des Pyrénées-orientales --
association for atheists of the eastern Pyrenees region of France[fr]
Dieu et l'impossible création, Rodolphe LEROYER[fr]
Association humaniste du Québec
Trilingual site (English, French, German)[fr]
Amicale Athée[fr]
Athées sans frontières --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010[fr]
Le blasphème n'est pas un crime[fr]
Sans Dieu C'est Mieux[fr]
Pourquoi je suis athée --
Site of Kevin Steiner[fr]
Résister à l'endoctrinement religieux --
Resist religious indoctrination, through anticlericalism, secularism, rationalism and atheism[en]
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain[en]
S. T. Joshi --
Web site of S. T. Joshi, author of Atheism: A Reader Atheism
A Philosophical Justification
MARTIN, Michael
Keywords: atheism philosophy
Temple University Press
A Reader
Keywords: atheism Christianity religion
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
Atheism, Morality and Meaning
MARTIN, Michael
Keywords: atheism morality
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
atheist (n. or adj.)
- an individual who does not believe in the existence of god(s)
The following organizations have begun atheist bus campaigns in various cities
Other Countries
-- Washington, DC, atheist bus campaign —
American Humanist AssociationMedia Reports
Other Publicity Campaigns
Billboard sponsored by the Pisa section of the Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics
"I prefer to reason rather than to believe: because I am an atheist"
Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti (UAAR)
Atheist Manifesto
The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
ONFRAY, Michel
Keywords: atheism history philosophy
Arcade Publishing
Atheist Universe
The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism
MILLS, David
Keywords: atheism religion
Ulysses Press
atheophobia (n.)
- fear of, or antipathy towards, atheists and atheism
What is Atheophobia?
It is a very common prejudice, widespread among both religious believers and non-believers. As this term is a neologism and the above definition is very literal, a more detailed description is in order:
To be even more precise, atheophobia may be defined as:
Atheophobia is a very old, widespread and baseless prejudice. It varies from the banal -- such as the vague notion that attending religious services will somehow make one a better person -- to the extreme, i.e. hateful accusations of moral inferiority directed at atheists, which can be a form a hate propaganda.
It is only reasonable that atheophobia be subject to the same sort of social disapproval that is applied to racism (antisemitism, white supremacism, etc.), misogyny, homophobia, and similar prejudices. Unfortunately, the opposite is generally true: social norms very often reinforce atheophobia.
Atheophobia among Nonbelievers
This prejudice is widespread even among nonbelievers, where it takes one of the forms described by the third and fourth meanings given above. Atheophobia among those who are in fact atheists themselves can be described as internalized atheophobia. It becomes outright hypocrisy when it manifests itself as hostility towards open, unashamed atheists. Such antipathy is a smokescreen for a lack of courage in the face of religious social pressure.
Atheophobic Propaganda and Freedom of Expression
To recognize the prejudicial nature of atheophobia is not to say that it should necessarily be subject to legal sanction. Freedom of expression is an essential human right to which atheists are dearly attached. Nevertheless, if expression of hatred for religious groups is legally forbidden, then there can be no justification for allowing hateful atheophobic assertions either. I would suggest the importance of clearly distinguishing between the following two actions:
See also:
atheophobia, internalized (n.)
This is atheophobia—i.e. fear of, or antipathy towards, atheists and atheism—which manifests itself among nonbelievers and (closeted) atheists themselves, i.e. among those who may have abandoned all religious belief but still cling, perhaps unconsciously, to old metabeliefs.
There is an obvious analogy between a religious believer who is convinced that, without their belief in God, they would become wildly immoral or amoral; and an atheophobic nonbeliever who associates unashamed atheism with extreme anti-religious policies and repression of freedom of conscience. The first should inspire mistrust, because they are saying that they would lose all morality if they were to lose their theistic belief. Similarly, we have to wonder just what is going on in the mind of the atheophobic nonbeliever: if they were to embrace fully their atheism, would they then become extremist, to the point of constituting a threat to others' freedom of conscience?
Both the atheophobic believer and the atheophobic nonbeliever are apparently admitting, implicitly, that they cannot be trusted! Frankly, I would put my trust in an up-front atheist who honestly and unashamedly declares his or her atheism.
(Article under construction...)
See atheophobia.