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See also:
- an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE, marking a military victory of the Maccabean Revolt—a fundamentalist movement—against the more enlightened Hellenistic culture of the time.
- also romanized as Chanukah or Chanuka
- also known as the Festival of Lights
Wikipedia page: Hanukkah
Commentary: Bah, Hanukkah. The holiday celebrates the triumph of tribal Jewish backwardness., Christopher Hitchens, 2007-12-03
The Happy Heretic
HAYES, Judith
Keywords: atheism religion
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
50 Reasons People Give For Believing In A God
See also:
In God We Trust, But Which One?
history (n.)
Relevant Books:
An Atheist with Gandhi -- GORA (RAO, G. Ramachandra)
Atheist Manifesto -- ONFRAY, Michel
Doubt, a History -- HECHT, Jennifer Michael
Fighting Words -- AVALOS, Hector
God against the gods -- KIRSCH, Jonathan
Guns, Germs, and Steel -- DIAMOND, Jared
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom -- WHITE, Andrew D.
The Life and Times of Gora -- LINDLEY, Mark
The Missionary Position -- HITCHENS, Christopher
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind -- JAYNES, Julian
Religion Explained -- BOYER, Pascal
Testament: Memoir of the Thoughts and Sentiments of Jean Meslier -- MESLIER, Jean, Curé d'Etrépigny
Who Wrote the New Testament? -- MACK, Burton L.
Why I Am Not a Muslim -- WARRAQ, Ibn
Relevant Articles:
Atheophobia, A Prejudice Thousands of Years Old
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
WHITE, Andrew D.
Keywords: history religion science
Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, USA
Originally published by Appleton in 1896
Author of the following articles hosted on this site:
homosexuality (n.)
Relevant Book:
Religious Roots of the Taboo on Homosexuality -- LAURITSEN, John
Relevant Articles:
The Strange Universe of the Homosexual Christian
How We Believe
The Search for God in an Age of Science
SHERMER, Michael
Keywords: religion science
W. H. Freeman & Co., New York
One can be forgiven for having high expectations of Michael Shermer, publisher of the excellent Skeptic magazine and author of Why People Believe Weird Things. How We Believe is a disjointed compendium of various topics, many taken from previous articles in Skeptic. Much of the material is useful and interesting for the reader who has not already seen it in the magazine. It is debatable whether Shermer succeeds in delivering the explanation promised in the title.
humanism (n.)
- a system of philosophical thought in which human interests and values are taken to be of primary importance
- devotion to or study of the humanities, i.e. literature, philosophy, art, etc., as distinguished from the sciences
Normally, the rejection of supernatural belief is included in the definition. Interpreted in this way, humanism is a synonym of nonbelief and includes atheism. Indeed, humanism may be seen as simply atheism viewed from the point of view of morals; i.e. humanism is atheistic morality.
See: Is Humanism Much More Than Atheism?
Relevant Links:
Humanist Association of Ottawa[en]
A British group for "Humanist Atheist Scientific Secularist Ethical Rationalist Sceptics"[en]
Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists (GALAH) --
Washington, DC, USA[en]
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA) --
United Kingdom[en]
British Humanist Association [en]
International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)[en]
International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organisation (IHEYO) --
Youth section of the IHEU[en]
Secular site for freethinkers, rationalists, skeptics, atheists and humanists of mainly Bengali and South Asian descent[en]
Society for Humanistic Judaism[en]
Massimo's Skeptic & Humanist Web --
works of Dr. Massimo Pigliucci[en]
The Brights, an International Internet Constituency --
A Bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview, whose worldview is free of supernatural and
mystical elements. The ethics and actions of a Bright are based on a naturalistic worldview.[en]
DiaHumanism Institute for Studies in Freethought (DISF)[en]
University of Victoria Carpe Diem Club --
A secular humanist association at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada[en]
Global --
The Humanist Globe: science, reason, compassion, information for the open minded, promoting critical thinking[en]
Humanist and Secular Muslims[en]
, Humanist Internet Project[en]
Council for Secular Humanism (CSH)
Center for Inquiry[en]
New Humanist --
British magazine for free thinkers[en]
Institute for Humanist Studies[en]
European Humanist Federation --
a coalition of humanist and secularist organizations across Europe, based in Brussels[en]
Epiphenom --
At the intersection of science, atheism and humanism[en] --
Help stop the Irish blasphemy law[en]
Humanist Society of Scotland[en]
Atheists Without Borders --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010[en]
How good is that? Free thinking -- Secular Humanism[no]
Human-Etisk Forbund --
Norwegian humanist association[fr]
Brights Québec --
Quebec chapter of the international "Brights" movement[fr]
Brights de France --
French chapter of the international "Brights" movement[fr]
Athées sans frontières --
Summary of Proceedings at the Atheist Alliance International - Humanist Canada convention, Montreal, October 2010 humanist (n. or adj.)
- an individual who ascribes to the principles of philosophical humanism; or relative to that humanism
- an individual devoted to or well versed in the humanities; or relative to the humanities
Given that rejection of the supernatural is normally included in the définition of humanism, a humanist is thus a nonbeliever (hence an atheist), or at least he or she accepts that universal humanist principles must take precedence over any particular supernatural dogmas in which one may believe.
Some nonbelievers who identify as humanists exhibit an intense aversion to the words atheist and atheism and avoid using them, in public at least, to refer to themselves. This is an example of internalized atheophobia. Such humanists may appropriately be called closet atheists. See: Is Humanism Much More Than Atheism?
Ah those silly religions! A few links to help us laugh a little.
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Relevant Links:
Godless Comedy --
Pat Condell's Godless Comedy[en]
Invisible Pink Unicorn[en]
New Humanist: God Trumps --
Struggling to choose the top religion? Try our metaphysical card game![en]
LOL god --
Putting the fun back into religion.[en]
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster --
Intelligent Design, you say? Did you know that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster?[en]
An Open Letter to Dr. Laura --
That famous open letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, notorious homophobe[fr]
Chère docteur Laura... --
A French translation of the open letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger[fr]
... Donc Dieu existe --
329 arguments for the existence of God (in French)[en]
If God Created the World on a Unix Box[en]
Demetri Martin: Creedocide --
Harness the Power... of Religion[en]
Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene[en]
Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, all these are an abomination before the Lord,
just as gays are an abomination. Why stop at protesting gay marriage?
Bring all of God's law unto the heathens and the sodomites.Book:
Scientist, philosopher, skilled orator and great campaigner for the ideas of his contemporary, Charles Darwin. It was T. H. Huxley who coined the terms "Agnostic" and "Agnosticism" (the capitals are his) to describe the skeptical attitude which, in his opinion, should be adopted towards preconceived notions.
See also: