Living Without Religion 
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 > > >  Quotations Lucia and Norman HALL  


Lucia and Norman HALL

"As skeptics, as scientists, we have to recognize the fact that all supernaturally-based religions and gods are profoundly pseudoscientific... long as human beings continue to be told that love and purpose are not to be found in the natural world, and must be found in the supernatural, then both pseudoscience and religion will persist...
The phrase 'godless science' must cease being an epithet and instead become a simple, even redundant, statement of fact. And we, as skeptics, as scientists, as atheists, must stop feeling ashamed about expressing and supporting the most tested hypothesis in all of human experience."

Religion and Skepticism: Can (and Should!) Skeptics Challenge Religion?
presented at the meeting of the San Diego Association for Rational Inquiry, 23 May 1999