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* Natural Atheism ; ELLER, David

* neoliberalism

* NIETZSCHE, Friedrich

* nihilism

* NOMA, abbreviation of Non-Overlapping MAgisteria

* nonbelief

* nonbeliever

* Natural Atheism
ELLER, David
Keywords: atheism

Web Site

* neoliberalism (n.)

Articles about Neoliberalism

* NIETZSCHE, Friedrich

* nihilism (n.)

* NOMA, abbreviation of Non-Overlapping MAgisteria

In reality, science and supernatural religion are totally incompatible and contradictory, and this incompatibility cannot be resolved by separating the two because their fields of application inevitably overlap. Thus, the NOMA hypothesis is clearly false.

"Whenever the claim is made that science or religion can only explore some specified domain, or can only ask some restricted sort of questions, and so forth, we are probably justified in suspecting that an oversimplification and arbitrary limitation is likely to be involved."

— Tad S. Clements, Science Versus Religion

References on Religion and Science

  1. Tad S. Clements, Science Versus Religion, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, 1990
  2. Richard Dawkins, "When Religion Steps on Science's Turf, The Alleged Separation Between the Two Is Not So Tidy", Free Inquiry Vol. 18, No. 2, Spring, 1998
  3. Stephen J. Gould, "Non-Overlapping Magisteria", Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 23, No. 4, July/August 1999
  4. Paul Kurtz, "Should Skeptical Inquiry Be Applied to Religion?", Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 23, No. 4, July/August 1999
  5. Paul Kurtz, "Are Science and Religion Compatible?", Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 26, No. 2, March/April 2002
  6. Paul Kurtz, "A New Approach", Free Inquiry, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2002
  7. Massimo Pigliucci, "Personal Gods, Deism, & the Limits of Scepticism", Skeptic Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2000
  8. Massimo Pigliucci, "A case against God: science and the falsifiability question in theology", Massimo's Skeptic & Humanist Web

See: metabelief.

See: "Religion, Morality and Charlatanism".

* nonbelief (n.)

In a society in which the dominant religions are all theistic or deistic, the terms atheism and nonbelief are practically synonymous. (There may be people who believe in no god(s) but nevertheless hold supernatural beliefs—involving UFOs for example—but their number is not significant.)

* nonbeliever (n.)

Every nonbeliever is an atheist. In a society in which the dominant religions are all theistic or deistic, the terms atheist and nonbeliever are practically synonymous. (There may be people who believe in no god(s) but nevertheless hold supernatural beliefs—involving UFOs for example—but their number is not significant.)