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> > > The Strange Universe of the Homosexual Christian | |
> > > > One Nation Under God | |
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"One Nation Under God" was presented at the 1993 Montréal World Film Festival.
One Nation Under God is a documentary about the "ex-gay" (or more correctly the anti-gay) movement, especially the American organisation Exodus International which feeds on the misery and alienation of homosexuals who have bought into prevailing homophobic attitudes.
This film has its hilarious side: for example, an interview with a sort of exorcist who specializes in purging demons from human body parts (urethras, anuses, mouths, etc) previously sullied by homosexual acts. In particular she can get rid of the demons resulting from "ungodly deposits of sperm." But the film is also very disturbing because of the danger posed by such movements. For example, one lesbian tells about the relationship (a very good relationship she admits, the best she had had, better than previous relationships with men) which she terminated because homosexuality is a "sin" and she wanted to try to "cure" herself.
Those who pretend they can cure homosexuality promote an unsavoury mélange of Christian fundamentalist puritanism and rehashed obsolete anti-gay psychiatry as rejected in the 70's by the APA (American Psychiatric Association). Their claim of "curing" homosexuals is not substantiated by the statistics. The two major people in the film were a gay couple—two ex-ex-homosexuals—who had been leaders of Exodus but began to question their commitment to the movement when they fell in love with each other. Their role is that of ex-cult members, exposing the organisation after leaving it.
Technical Details
See One Nation Under God.